Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Mine are fucking defective. 

Most things about me are defective. 

Saw the doc today. She had to remark twice that "wow, you really have fibrous breasts"! Really? Like I didn't fucking know that. You know, the 3rd lump and my OB-GYN telling me 5 years ago that I have fibrous tits wasn't a fucking clue. 

Yes, I told her and the nurse that I was told I have fibrous tits. More than once. 


So Friday morning, bright and early, I get a mother fucking mammogram. Yippee fucking skipee. 

Wish me luck. Because if its not cancer I am going to be pissed that I had to get my tits squeezed for nothing. I have been dealing with some crazy anger lately and this is the fucking icing on the cake. 

Blarg. Just fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why can't I function normally? Or at least have one part of my body function right? Lets see; mentally ill, tit issues, tummy issues, reproductive issues, limb issues on 3 of the 4, and I wear glasses. So I think I have something wrong with all major parts of my body. 


These problems are not enough singly to be annoying or serious, they are all just tiny nagging problems. 

Bipolar-nope, never tried to harm or kill myself. Never suicidal. Never severely manic either. Which, in the land of mental illness is nice, but in the land of normal, it is slightly irritating to be crazy but not that crazy. 

Fructose intolerance-have I talked about this? I might have to another time. Suffice it to say, its a bitch. 

Bum knee- fixed once. can't run still. 

Wrists- left one fixed once, right one needs to be. Fucking ganglion cysts. 

Endometriosis- look that shit up. Its a bitch too. 

Tits- lets not forget the tits. Saggy, scared up from breast feeding, lumpy boobs. 

I also get migraines, and heart burn. See, all tiny problems that I feel bad complaining about but they all add up to an overwhelming amount of crap. Crap I don't need to deal with right now.


I will however count my blessings tonight because I know it could be worse. It could get worse at any time. One online community I frequent has a women whose husband was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. She is pregnant with twins. I cry every time I read her post. 

Now my problems don't seem so bad. 

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