Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Some Updates

Well it is a New Year and with it come resolutions. I have resolved to be healthy. I know, very descriptive... I just want to be healthy all over. Figure out my problems and move forward.

Speaking of figuring out problems, I see a Gastroenterologist  this month for suspected Celiac or Crohn's disease. I have been eliminating gluten from my diet and I have been feeling pretty good, I still get strange "attacks" but all in all I am better.

I got my sweating problem mostly taken care of. Dermatologist gave me a Rx that has really helped that out a lot. It was great for like a week, now it is kind of coming back, so I am going to see about Botox. Yes, Botox. Shot straight into your hands, feet, where ever you sweat excessively. Ow.

The child and husband are fabulous as can be.

School started again. I am excited, but very nervous about the challenges that are ahead of me. I hope I do well. (As I sit here typing instead of studying.)

I will have to update some Twit Chronicles... It got interesting and I had to take myself out of that train wreck for my personal sanity and professional integrity. So serious stuff went down and I do not know if I am comfortable posting about a real life event on my blog even though I haven't used names. I am still nervous about people finding out about it. Plus, I am at work typing this soo.....

I hope the New Year brings health, wealth, and happiness to all.

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